Science Olympiad » Science Olympiad Information

Science Olympiad Information

What is Science Olympiad?

Science Olympiad is a fun, educational, science-based competition designed for 3rd-5th grade students & adult event coaches. Students who are inquisitive, curious and love to be challenged enjoy being a part of Science Olympiad. The season runs from January through May.

Students become experts in two or more scientific areas, called “events”.  They practice together weekly with their event teammate, and test their skills during two Saturday competition events, one in March and one in mid-May. 

Parents partner with students to help them succeed. Parent event coaches lead student teams of 2 or 3 in a weekly practice for one of their events. It is not a teacher-led after school club, however several teachers volunteer to make their classroom space available for hosting practices.

For more information email [email protected]
Follow this link to view the Science Olympiad Open House Presentation
If your child would like to be on the Science Olympiad team, please click below.