Princeton's Green Team

Welcome to our page!  Our team consists of students from grades kindergarten through fifth.  We are always ready to learn about our environment and see what more we can do at Princeton in our recycling program, helping wildlife, and to educate fellow students, staff and our families at home.
 Since 2023-2024 the team has partnered with Terracycle to recycle several items including:
  • Takis wrappers
  • LittleBites wrappers
  • Babybel wrappers including the packaging and wax
  • GoGo Squeeze packages (from yogurt, applesauce, etc.)
  • Benebone dog chews
  • Kroger brand flexible plastic wrappers
The items above are collected during our lunches but we also accept drop offs.
In addition, the team has a cart in the foyer outside the main office.  On this cart, we recycle the following items:
  • batteries
  • crayons
  • markers
  • can tabs
We believe through education and action we can make a difference!
October and November were very busy months for the Team!  We are extremely happy with the results of our first two projects.
During conference week, the Princeton Community voted for which endangered species the team would sponsor - the Panamanian Frog or the Red Panda.  $283.30 was raised overall during conferences and during school days.  A check will be mailed to the Detroit Zoo sponsoring the Red Panda in the upcoming weeks.
As if that turn out wasn't amazing enough, $283.30 in ONE WEEK - a contest started in early October to collect aluminum pop tabs.  As hundred and hundreds of tabs were brought in, they were weighed in the office keeping track of classroom totals.  Mrs. Arwady's first grade class took 1st place and voted to have an ice cream party.  With the amazing turnout, the team voted to reward the 2nd place class as well.  Mrs. Roussin's second grade class also enjoyed a donut party!
The total in weight of aluminum tabs collected (the tab from a pop can) ... 103.525 POUNDS!!!
We cannot thank you enough for all the support the Princeton families and staff give Green Team!